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Where to park
Where to park in Camden
Residents of Camden can apply for a permit to park in residents parking bays within the controlled parking zone (CPZ) in which they live.
click here for more detail about these permits.
Residents can also apply for visitors’ permits (you do not have to own a vehicle to buy these permits).
more detail, click here.
All motorists - Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ’s)
Camden has a number of CPZ’s which cover the whole borough: the days and hours of control differ between the zones and are shown on zone entry signs at vehicular entry points to the CPZ’s.
Within the CPZ’s a range of parking options are available, such as residents parking, visitors’ parking, and pay and display.
Motorists should always check the hours of control when parking their vehicle as they vary across the borough.
The times of control are also shown on parking bays signs, but are not shown on individual lengths of yellow lines.
Bank holiday parking in Camden
For details click here.
Double yellow lines
mean that no waiting/parking is allowed at any time Unless a nearby timeplate states otherwise, the hours during which waiting/parking restrictions apply on a single yellow line are the same as those shown on the CPZ entry signs.
Outside of the times shown, drivers are allowed to park, load or unload, on single yellow lines, unless a nearby time plate states otherwise. You should also refer to the signs on individually marked bays.
For more information
please contact parking services
Transport and streets
Where to park
Controlled parking zones
Green badge scheme